Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Diffusion of Innovations

The Diffusion of Innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. This theory was made popular by Everett Rogers. He wrote a book called Diffusion of Innovations that was published in 1962. Rogers believes that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among participants in a social system. 

The diffusion of innovations according to Rogers 

Now that you have a basic understanding and visual of the theory I am going to apply the diffusion of innovations theory to the creation of email. The first email was sent in 1971. Email was invented by Raymond Tomlinson. He developed a system that allowed people to send simple messages to each other over the ARPANET network. 

The pioneers of the first email include the creator of email Raymond Tomlinson and his coworkers at Raytheon BBN Technologies. Tomlinson invented it and therefore his coworkers were definitely a part of the pioneer stage. 

The early adopters included the government and large corporations. Email allowed for quick communication, so places of work and businesses would be some of the first to adopt this new technology. It allows for communication to be almost instant and for companies to be more efficient. 

The early Majority would include people who had personal computers at home. These were the first people who could send emails from a personal setting. Personal computers became popular and more widespread in the 1980s. 

The late Majority are people who heard about the buzz of email and then had the resources to use email whether that be at home for personal use or adapt it into the daily practice of life. 

Laggards include people who don't care to be up to date on the latest and greatest technology. But eventually, they become forced into using the technology. For example, it is nearly impossible to avoid getting an email account. You will need an account for work, to make purchases online, and to communicate with others. 

Overall, the spread of email was naturally going to happen. It was an invention that changed our world and the way we communicate. I don't see any downsides with the creation of email because it is such an efficient way to communicate. Email is different from a social media account, you aren't posting to a feed for all your followers to see. Email is more specific and each email you send has an intentional purpose. It is an invention that changed our world for the better!

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