Monday, September 16, 2024

Living in the age of AI

Watching In the Age of AI, really opened my eyes to the impacts and helped me learn more about how AI is affecting our world. 

Supermarket Robots

The world is being reimagined with AI. The future of AI can be scary to think about! Robots are not in supermarkets being guided by AI. The robots can pack everything from soup containers to fruit for online consumers. These machines can pick up groceries, read reports, learn routines, and comprehend are now reaching factories, stores, and offices. 

It is really scary to think about how AI robots are taking over! A person who used to fulfill grocery orders in a supermarket is now replaced by an AI robot. This is also taking jobs away from people, which can cause a huge loss of income for people. 

Molly Kinder shared an interesting fact that stood out to me. She said that being a cashier is the number one occupation for the greater region of DC, and it is many people's first job while in High School. Now, with the use of AI, these jobs are gonna be taken over by machines. Molly also shared that being in the workforce will start to require different skills, and gaining them will depend on who can afford them. The issue is people can't afford to take time off work to take a course to develop their skill sets further. 

New machines that utilize AI will affect every industry. From insurance companies to human resources, law firms, and the trading floors of Wall Street. But at the same time, the use of AI is allowing for more efficiency and companies to compete more with fewer workers. 

Google and AI

AI also relates to the digital traces of our behavior that we leave behind after making a Google search. Google was in trouble as a company and realized how valuable this data left behind from searches could be by applying machine learning algorithms to predict users' interests. 

Google would use what the machine algorithm found to find out what ad a user would most likely click on. Revenue then started to pile up at Google and they realized they had to keep this idea secret. It is scary because users had no idea this data from their searches was just put out there and being used to predict their future. Google's business model migrated to other companies, such as Facebook. 

This documentary went into great detail about AI and really helped me learn how it applies to my life beyond robots in a factory. I never knew the concept behind Google and its use of AI to utilize information about users. I really enjoyed this documentary!


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