Wednesday, September 11, 2024

EOTO Technology Presentations

The History of Internet Search

During the EOTO presentations, I learned more about internet search and the creation of Google. Internet Search started very basic and many search engines were created before Google. First was Archie in 1990, then Yahoo! in 1994, BackRub in 1996, and then Google in 1998. Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed the search algorithm first in 1996, it was known as "BackRub." Larry and Sergey were students at Samford University in California. "BackRub" was later called Google in 1998. 

Google is worth 1.84 trillion dollars today and is the world's fifth most valuable company. Google attracted a huge loyal following through its simple design. Internet search engines are used worldwide by people of all ages. Internet searches have impacted our society in education, businesses, and daily life. Google allows people to type in a topic and have information in seconds. 


We have all heard of Netflix, but it was intersting to hear more of the backstory and evolution of the company. Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. Netflix was launched in 1997 as a DVD rental service through the mail. The company was started after Hastings received a late fee for a movie rental from Blockbuster. In 2007 Netflix introduced streaming services where subscribers could access the streaming service through the internet. 

In May 2011 Netflix became the largest internet streaming service. DVD rental services completely diminished with the creation of streaming services. The movie theater industry declined greatly due to Netflix. This was because people could now stream movies in the comfort of their own homes and save money. Netflix competes with other streaming services such as Hulu and Apple TV. Netflix is constantly evolving and adapting to stay ahead of the curve and remain dominant in the industry. 

I really enjoyed the EOTO presentations and learning more about the way technology has evolved! It was also fun to learn more about the history of Netflix since it is my most used streaming service. 

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