Wednesday, September 4, 2024

TED Talks - Privacy, Online, & Off

After watching multiple TED Talks about privacy and my prior knowledge these issues do affect me. My every move is being watched and tracked. From personal phone conversations to knowing my location. For example, if I am having a conversation about something personal I would not want the government to hear everything I am saying. The government knowing our location is a scary reality. If I am going to church or to a doctor's appointment, the government knows! 

Juan Enriquez's TED Talk was very intersting. I like the analogy he used "Your online life is as permanent as a tattoo." I have never thought about online life like this but I think it is very clever. A tattoo lasts forever and so does everything you do or post online. Also, what you put out online will live far longer than your body. Juan's TED Talk definitely brought up valid points and we all should be very aware of what we put online because it is not going anywhere. 

Catherine Crump's TED Talk brought up so many great points. The police and government track our every move even if we've done nothing wrong. She gave the example of automatic license plate readers and how the local police forces keep records of every plate and where you have been. They can see where you are going and who you are with. You may have done nothing wrong but they still hold onto all the records. How scary!! You could be driving to personal places such as a counseling office, church, or a doctor's appointment. The police and government do not need this personal information especially if you have done nothing wrong and have no police record. 

Watching these TED Talks really opened my eyes and reaffirmed how much the government is watching and tracking our every move. It is scary to think about how much power technology has and the access that the government has. I am glad to be educated on this topic and know some steps to take to not be tracked 24/7, such as powering off my phone. It is vital to be educated on this topic and understand the dangers that come with social media and how nothing you post online is ever private. This issue affects me, you, and everyone around us. 

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