Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Progressive Era

Dissent means to publicly disagree with an official opinion, decision, or set of beliefs. Dissenting opinions play a role in our constitutional democracy, offering different viewpoints from the majority. Dissent is also key to the First Amendment, as it protects unpopular opinions and perspectives. 

Plessy v. Ferguson & Brown v. Board

An example of a case that had a dissenting opinion is Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896. This case created the "separate but equal" doctrine. This decision effectively legalized segregation for over half a century. Justice John Marshall Harlan had a dissenting opinion and argued against the majority's decision. 

Justice John Marshall believed that the Constitution was color-blind and the United States had no class system. He argued that all citizens, regardless of race, should be treated equally under the law. Justice John Marshall's dissent in this case became an argument in later civil rights movements. Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned by Brown v. Board in 1954. 

The U.S. government is waging war all around the globe. After exploring ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative, I noticed the strong anti-war voices that were being used, but I had never heard or read anti-war pieces on mainstream media. 

One possibility that we are not being exposed to anti-war voices is that the government is censoring what is shared on mainstream media. The media does not have an interest in promoting anti-war. Journalists get some of their news information from the government, so if they criticize military actions too strongly, that could affect their relationship. 

News and media that involve conflict and war also tend to be more desirable for viewers. This is because people want to know what conflicts are going on in the world. Mainstream media is driven by profits, so they aren't going to share anti-war voices that may not bring in the same profit. Wars bring alot of profit and are surrounded by the idea of money so promoting anti-war voices would put the U.S. in jeopardy of the profit that wars bring.  

Overall discovering ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservation was insightful. I was able to see how anti-war voices are being used but just not being shown on mass media. 

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The Progressive Era

Dissent means to publicly disagree with an official opinion, decision, or set of beliefs.  Dissenting opinions play a role in our constitut...